
How to Create a Company in Tally - टैली में कंपनी कैसे बनाये

How to Create a Company in Tally - टैली में कंपनी कैसे बनाये

Gateway of tally

Click company info or alt+F3

Click Create a company

Name Type Company Name As (Abc Pvt.Ltd)

Mailing NameType Short Name As (ABC)

Address Type Company Address

Country Select our country

State Select our State As Utter Pradesh

Pin code Type Pin code As 243631

Phone no. 05831274022

Mobile no. 9999999999

Fax no.Type Fax no As 12345678912345

Email id a@gmail.com

Website www.google.com

Financial Year Begins from 1/4/20??

Book beginning From 1/4/20??

Use security control No
Base Currency Information

Base Currency Symbol
यहाँ पर हम अपने देश का करेंसी सिंबल टाइप करते है जैसे ( Rs या ₹)

Formal Name
करेंसी का नाम जैसे (INR)

Suffix Symbol to amount

Add space between amount and symbol

Show amount in millions

Use security control

Number of decimal Places

Word representing amount after decimal

No of decimal places for in words

Enter /Accept
अब हमारी कंपनी बन जाएगी

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